I had my two crazy classes and then my one eager beaver class at the Grand Ecole, which directly translated means "Big School", as if the others are just little tiny schools that are not as important. Which is actually almost true I guess when you look at hiring practices here in France. I am still shocked at how important your college is here. Even when you are 40 years old they STILL care where you went. Your life is very much laid out for you at 17, scary.
I did have a much nicer weekend than I thought though. Friday I met Steph from Double-Double or Un Petit Cafe fame. She is so much fun! We went for coffee then ended up hanging out until dinner. I had a hamburger, and I ordered it with a French accent and felt completely stupid. "Un ahm-buhr-guhr." I had a Friday night dinner out on the town with a friend, how cool is that!?
Saturday was a fantastic day spent with Duncan. His new favorite toy is an old Champagne cork I had on the counter. He seems to find the fact that it doesn't roll straight extremely entertaining. Here he is reaching for his new favorite play thing with his old favorite staring on with envy.
Sunday I went with a few friends to Gent, Belgium. Gent is a really cute city about 45 minutes drive from Lille that has beautiful architecture and fantastic waffles. Unfortunately I was not thinking and only have one good picture. I didn't even get any photos with friends in it! But here is one of the canals right before we left to go home.
You can even see the moon right above one of the rooftops! Now I'm trying to get motivated to clean house and grade papers. And of course plan for all of next week's classes. But after next week I am free until January from my scary classes.
They used to say hamburger even weirder (you can hear it in old movies), "am buhr gé" so at least they're trying!
So jealous how close you are to Belgium, I loved my trip there last year, I have to go back again!
Am I jealous? Maybe, but in the best possible way. Let's see you live in France, and are 45 minutes from that beautiful sight, with waffles no less, and can still find a hamburger in Lille. Yep, jealous. You know what is 45 minutes away from me, a whole lot of Texas ranch land and oh, yes, Waco!
Hey there chica!!!
What a fun weekend... I was home sick all day on Sat. and missed the K&K Extravaganza!! Oh well.. next time!! I cooked all day on Sat...
Hey... I hope that maybe you can come down to Paris during the break.. Let me know... We're going to Strasbourg for two days 23/24... Can't wait...
Take care and have a good rest of your week...
Hugs, Leesa
Ohhh, I teach an English class for marketing and finance Master's students once a week (and have no lessons or books to work off of either), and it drives me nuts. All my questions are met with blank stares. In two and a half short years, I've learned that teaching is a long lesson in: 1. Humility 2. Humility and 3. Theatre :) I've also noticed that the less I stress about it, the better teacher I am. Teaching is hard, the students suck out all of your energy, and sometimes you're only a half step ahead of the students... don't let them get to you, they're a bunch of punks anyway AND you have the benefit of knowing everything. You're the native speaker and they're the ones with the goofy accents ;)
Andromeda - Stop by Lille on your way next time!
Jenny - But you know what...I love a whole lot of Texas!
Leesa - I sure hope you are feeling better and have a very Merry Christmas if we don't speak before then.
Maladroite - Ha...you are so right. I have my crazy classes tomorrow and am just going to not worry about it. I have a plan and will hope for the best...and end it early if need be. :-)
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