Friday, April 18, 2008

Asian Female Self-Defense Video (??)

Ran across this and just had to share. I wonder if they show this in classrooms to young girls about traveling to the US...

So very strange!! Catchy tune though...

Not much going on here. Cyr leaves Sunday to go to Houston for a two week training course. The super cool thing is that I'm going to be there next weekend for a long visit so we will be there for a week together. Yeah!!

I am going to have to, I mean get to navigate the train to Brussels to get to the airport on my own. I'm sure it will be no problem. Well enjoy the video. I'm going to go practice those moves about "I've been robbed by two men!" just in case my train to Brussels is difficult.

1 comment:

JW said...

Wow. I really think we could learn a thing or two from these gals. A midnight walk in Central Park alone will never be scary again now that we're equipped with these defense strategies. Love you, Susan, and hope you are well (sounds like you are!) - Jess