Monday, August 4, 2008

Showers, Wedding and Tropical Storm

I had my first wedding shower!! I know these things are totally dorky, that they are typically only fun for the bride, but hey, I'm the bride! It was mostly family there, but my Mom and cousins who threw the shower know some friends of mine so a few friends were invited as well. It was so interesting to see all these people mix together.

So in case you don't know, I have a very eclectic group of friends and family. Many people may say this, but I'm actually serious. Many of my friends are not friends with each other, and many of my family members don't really talk to each other. Time goes by and you build your life around a few people and before you know it, you have not spoken to someone in three years. It happens. You don't mean it to, but it happens. Maybe this is why I was so touched that all these people from different parts of my life showed up.

I had childhood friends like Brandy, my high school representative Missy, college was Amanda then came present day with Lori and Shari. Family was represented from not only my mother's side, but from cousins on my Dad's side like Pam and Cheryl. Friends I have known my whole life like Courtney and Susan B. Most of these people don't know each other, some of them came alone, not knowing who would be there. But they were there. They came to this strange place to sit around and talk to people they don't know because they care about me. Or at least that is what I like to think. It doesn't sound like much, but maybe if you take in the whole thing it really was. They did this little thing for me, just for me. It wasn't convenient, it wasn't a promise of fun, just a promise that it would mean something to me. And it did. Thank you all that came. Sorry to all that my family didn't know to invite. There will be other times for you to sacrifice and show your love to me! Just kidding...I hope...

I can't help but reflect on family and friends right now. To think of all the things that I know I have been upset about in the past and to I know that most of those things are trivial. Maybe someone made a bad decision in the past, but today, right now, if they are here for me, how can I fault them? Maybe some things can not be forgiven, but maybe some can. As I have all these sentimental thoughts of how I love all my family and friends, I am watching the news off an on.

"Welcome Home Susan!" screams every channel. There is a hurricane set to hit Houston tomorrow morning and all you hear about on tv or radio is about Hurricane Edouard. Nice spelling eh? Must be some weather guy's relative. The channel we are watching now is running an "Eye on the Gulf" all night. How exciting. Yeah, I pick a week to come home, and it's a good one eh? Well at least I got to know again that feeling of walking into a store and having all the water and batteries gone. The comradery of those walking the aisles with glances that say; "Hey man, I'm with you. I ain't leaving town. We can't take this storm. I'm on your team." So here I sit with my Mom, a few gallons of water in the other room, a few snacks just in case. Hoping that my little pink house doesn't blow away. I may not be able to blog tomorrow as we might loose power, but hey, at least when I can, it will probably be a good one. With the temperature right now at about 100-102 F (37-38) it's going to be a fun time if we loose electricity. No AC, don't mess with me...

Cross your fingers and hope it (Edouard) dies out. Ever since Rita it just seems that people freak out when the wind picks up, so I don't know if I should be worried or not. They are not evacuating, so I guess we are ok. The latest says that Houston should get the brunt of the storm about 7pm Tuesday night. So maybe I should cancel that dinner and drinks at 5:30 eh?


Susan said...

Phew! Excitement plus! I nearly got clobbered by a piece of flying debris in London on Friday, so it's happening all over.

Unknown said...

Susan I am so happy for you and excited for you as well. Love the blog I will keep up.
Mary Gregory

J said...

Hey girl, I had already kind of taken for granted dinner was going to have to be rescheduled. Stay safe through the storm, and welcome home.

Anonymous said...

Wedding preparation is great for bringing together all those different groups of people you haven't seen in's a great excuse to get everyone YOU like together :)